Sunday, August 23, 2009

TPC 9-ball Championship

And so, after 2 weeks of hard work and practice and tough tournament play, the TPC 9-ball championship has come to a close. I've put in so much hard work and it really wasn't easy for me, having to study and play pool at the same time. I really had to manage my time and i didn't have much time for myself. It was one hell of a week for me, having to focus fully on two things.

But i am proud to say, i have emerged as TPC 9-ball Champion. Much effort and support have contributed to my win, and although i made many mistakes in the tournament, I'm glad to say my skill barely helped me scrape over. All those hours of practice really made a difference in the last rack, 4-4 in a race to five. I had a really tacky situation with 7 balls left on the table, i had to play the cue ball into a cluster and yet maintain position. I made a recovery shot on the 5 to drop on the 6, but it was all wasted as i wasn't tall enough and had to rely on the bridge. I had to pot the 6 ball with a lot of spin using the bridge, and due to the insufficient skill and control i went out of line again.

Facing the tough shot on the 7 i was glad i held it in there and didn't blame myself or get frustrated. I made a 90 degree cut on the 7 with left spin to drop on the 8 ball, yet again out of line. I was too focused on the game to care by then, and i did not give myself undue pressure for getting out of line 3 times in one game. I potted the 8 to drop on a perfect nine, and suppressing the adrenaline rush i cleaned up the race to 5 with a runout from the 3 ball to the 9 ball. Only the last rack was worth watching though.

I am so glad!!! This is my first challenge trophy and i hope there will be more to come.... Pictures coming soon! A big thank you to those who took their time out to come down and give me support, Rambert, Chester, Beng Wee, Zhan Suo, Joash and other players from TPC. Thank you all!

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